Navigate to Email Studio >
Click "Subscribers" > "Data
Right-click on the "Data Extensions"
Folder located on the left side of the screen
to create a subfolder.
In the subfolder, click Create,
located in the upper right.
Select the type of Data Extension
you'd like to create. Standard, Filtered, or
Create Standard Data
1. Select "Standard Data Extension,
click 'OK'
2. Choose your
- Creation Method - You can either copy from an existing Data Extension, Create from a template, or Create from New (from scratch). After choosing your method follow the creation wizard steps.
- Name - Type the name of your Data Extension, if you are creating from an Existing, you will need to update the name that will populate this field.
- External Key - Leave blank, the system will auto-generate
- Description - You can enter more details.
- Type - Cannot edit.
- Location - Can choose to change the location.
- Is Sendable and Is Testable? Check both if you want to use it as a Target Data Extension.
3. Click 'Next'.
4. Click 'Next' again.
5. Fields: Create your fields, and select the data type and length*. Choose if the field is Nullable or Primary (Require fields). If Primary or Nullable are both left unchecked, the system will default to Primary.
6. Choose the Send Relationship. Send Relationship determines how a subscriber will be identified as unique. So choose a field with a unique value as the Send Relationship. For example, Subscriber_id = SubscriberKey.
7. Click 'Create'.
*NOTE: Max Field Length is 4,000 characters.
🏆BEST PRACTICE: Set all qualifying field lengths to a maximum of 4,000 characters.
See the Salesforce Support YouTube
channel for more information: